‘No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted’

There’s no doubt that the world could benefit from more acts of kindness - both big and small - and our first step towards this is to raise our children to be kind, compassionate and caring.

But how do we do that?  Is it easier said than done?  Is it even possible to teach kindness and compassion or are these simply genetic traits that are stronger in some people than in others?

The reality is that everyone has the capacity for altruism, but not everyone is given the opportunity to develop that innate concern for the wellbeing of other people into a guiding principle which informs how they go about their daily lives.

That’s where parents, caregivers and educators have a huge role to play.  We can lay the foundations for young children to become kinder, gentler and more compassionate - and by doing so, will help set them on course to become more ethical, connected, appreciative and contented adults.

So how do we raise kind and compassionate children?

If you look at some of the most influential people in world history such as Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, you’ll notice that they were all deeply compassionate people.  They genuinely cared about the wellbeing of others and were motivated by a desire to take action which would help others.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could teach our children to empathise with others, to understand and respect people’s differences, to be considerate, to give back and to be generous?  Well, we can.

Whether at home, at childcare or early school, here are five ways that we can help our kids become more thoughtful, kind and compassionate.

Encouraging compassion and kindness in your child

1. Be a good role model

Children do as they see.  They’ll mirror your behaviour and take their cues from you, so it is important to set a good example and to be consistent in your actions.  Talk to your child often about the importance of kindness and respect and why your family values these qualities - and remember, always use positive and encouraging language.

2. Point out acts of kindness

Communication is so important when it comes to instilling values in our young children.  Try and point out occasions where you have done - or are doing - something for another person and explain the reasons why you acted in that way.  Talking about emotions and feelings will help children develop a sense of empathy and also to be more proactive about being kind, caring and thoughtful. 

“I opened the door for the lady in the wheelchair as I could see it might be difficult for her to reach the handle”.  “Let’s check that there’s water in the dog’s bowl as it is so hot today and he might be extra thirsty”.  “Let’s ask that child if she would like to join in the game as she is sitting on her own”.  “I’m making a cake for Jenny as she is sick at home”.

Giving your child lots of examples of compassionate and kind acts will help them learn to put themselves in others’ shoes.  And remember, these don’t have to always be substantial interventions.  Simply being polite and respectful towards other people in your everyday interactions will encourage your child to follow your lead.

3. Show kindness and respect to your own child.

Try not to leap straight into admonishment or punishment mode when your child has erred - and avoid embarrassing them in public.  Rather be supportive, talk through the situation with them, ask why they behaved in a certain way, ask about what emotions they were feeling and if they could suggest a different way of doing things.  When a child feels that they’ve been heard and their feelings acknowledged, they’re more likely to listen to others.

4. Demonstrate gratitude

Gratitude teaches children to be kinder as it helps develop a sense of appreciation for what they have (and who they have) in their lives and how the acts of others impact how they feel.

There are many ways you can encourage your child to be grateful.  Talk to your child often about what you’re grateful for. Set aside time at the dinner table where every member of the family can chat about something that they were thankful for during the day.  Have a gratitude jar in which the family can pop little ‘thank you’ notes.  Stick a piece of paper on the fridge with a magnet and write down regular ‘gratitude’ posts.  Encourage your child to do something positive for the person for whom they are grateful.

5. Read books with your child

Experts agree that reading books with your child helps them develop empathy and compassion.  They identify with the feelings of characters in the book.  They learn about different cultures and perspectives and this helps them develop an understanding that not everyone experiences the world in the same way.

A last word on raising kind and compassionate children

Thankfully, kindness and compassion are qualities that children can learn over time and through practice.  What we do in the home, at school and out in the community all play a significant part in fostering these skills in young children and setting them on course to becoming decent, well-adjusted, engaged and caring adults who are not only kind to others, but who are kind to themselves too.

Here at Evoke Early Learning, we nurture professional, trusting and reciprocal relationships between our educators, our children and their families.  Our safe, nurturing and inclusive environments not only promote knowledge, inspire a lifelong love of learning, built resilience, responsibility, self-confidence, teamwork, problem-solving skills as well as creative and scientific thinking - they’re also geared towards encouraging our children to become kinder and more compassionate individuals. 

To find out more, or to see these values in action at our childcare centre in Albert Park and our childcare centre in Clayton, we warmly invite you to book a tour or get in touch with our friendly team.  We’d love to meet you and your child!

It’s not easy teaching little ones to become more independent, but it is really worth putting in time and effort to help children develop this key skill.

A child who is self-sufficient is likely to have a healthier self-esteem and in a better position to navigate the challenges that life will inevitably throw at them.  They’ll learn to trust themselves, take responsibility for their actions and not be reliant on others, but for some young children (and for some parents), learning to let go and do things for themselves is a challenge.

If your child is starting to show signs of wanting to be more independent, if you want to help your child build self-confidence before starting early school or if you’re looking for ways to encourage their self-sufficiency, you’ll find the following tips helpful. 

Nurturing independence in your young child

Nurturing independence is far easier in safe, supportive spaces which are set up properly. 

Elements like having a low hook for a young child to hang a coat onto, providing easy access to toy and shoe boxes, placing books on low shelves, keeping non-breakable cups and plates in a reachable area, having a stool so they can reach the sink to wash their hands etc will increase the chances of them doing things for themselves.

Encourage age-appropriate risks

When children don’t do things for themselves and therefore don’t get an understanding of what it means to persevere until they succeed or find a solution, they can develop a fear of failure.  By encouraging a young child to take age-appropriate risks (like walking along a low log without an adult’s helping hand or climbing the monkey bars), you help them learn from their mistakes, build resilience, confidence and independence.

Encourage self-dressing

Allowing a young child to choose their clothes and self-dress can be as much an exercise in parental patience as it is in encouraging independence, but the rewards are significant. Fine and gross motor skills are honed and the child will feel a sense of accomplishment and will feel empowered.

Provide opportunities for self-help activities

Brushing teeth, helping in the kitchen, putting dirty clothes in the wash basket, turning off a tap, filling up a pet’s water bowl, turning the knob on the washing machine are all examples of ways you can help a child learn to DIY.  Mastering these will take practice and there will be slip-ups and frustrations along the way - so remember to always focus on positive reinforcement and encourage them to try and try again. 

Resist the urge to step in

It can feel counter-intuitive to stand back and watch a child struggle because it goes against your natural instinct as a parent, but there is real merit in allowing them the time and space to keep trying.  This will help them develop important problem-solving skills, help improve their self-esteem and cope with adversity.  And remember, you’re not aiming for perfection! 

Kitchen assistance

It’s helpful to encourage your young child to help in the kitchen with meal preparation, tidying up, getting a cup of water etc.  They will learn that their contribution is important and valued and they’ll like (and want) the feeling of achievement and purpose that it brings.


Learning to self-feed is a gradual process.  Yes, it will be messy and time-consuming, but young children really benefit from having a sense of control and the earlier you start, the better. 

Some key takeaways about young children and independence

If we’re always rushing in to correct our child’s actions and sort things out so they’re done the ‘right’ way, we run the risk of teaching them to be helpless rather than self-sufficient and independent.  Our role is to set strong foundations for children to thrive and to provide for them, but equally, our job is to empower children to provide for themselves. 

That brings us to the question of why high quality childcare matters for children’s development and how your choice of early education provider can have a material impact on your child’s ability to become self-sufficient.

Our spaces at Evoke Early Learning are carefully designed to develop independence as the children create their own play and direct their own explorations.  We’re inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early education which ‘future proofs’ young children, equips them with the necessary knowledge, skills, dispositions, attitudes, languages and self-agency for transitioning to big school and for active participation in all areas of life. If you’re considering quality childcare in Clayton or early learning in Albert Park, you’re welcome to book a tour or have a chat to our team about enrolling your child.

When young children are playing, it’s very common to see (and hear) them conjuring up different scenarios and pretending to be a character other than themselves.  But while it may look like they’re simply having fun, there’s a really serious side to role play. 

Role play (also sometimes referred to as pretend, dramatic or imaginative play) is an essential and valuable contributor to a child’s healthy development.  Through role play, children start to make sense of their world and they develop important skills which will set them up for future learning, personal growth, social connection and engagement.

It’s a type of play which can take place anywhere, anytime.  It doesn’t require any special equipment or props, so young children can immerse themselves in imaginative roles at home, on a playdate with others, in early learning environments, in a doctor’s waiting room, at the shops - literally anywhere.

That said, with pretend play fulfilling such a vital role in a child’s development, the adults in their lives have an important role of their own in encouraging, inspiring and supporting this type of play.   Role play should even be a factor in your decision-making about your choice of childcare or early education provider. 

Benefits of role play

Childhood experts, researchers and educators all acknowledge that that role play aids child development and that it offers the following benefits:

Why a play-based early learning environment can benefit a child’s development

According to the LEGO Foundation, evidence keeps mounting that play is the best way for children to learn – and thrive.  The science speaks for itself.  Play builds brains and learning through play can help all children develop the breadth of skills they will need throughout their lives.

A play-based environment at childcare and at early school can provide your child with a strong foundation for their future success in life.  Have a read of this article on why quality childcare is essential for a child’s healthy development and discover more about how play-based learning, where imaginative play is embraced and encouraged, benefits children in all the ways listed above - plus more. 

Let’s look at some of the benefits of role play in more detail.

Role play evokes a child’s creative spirit

Using our imaginations is a key cognitive skill.  It’s one we use throughout our daily lives to find solutions, solve problems, lift our moods etc.  Young children need to be given the time and space to initiate and participate in imaginative play where they have the opportunity to be creative and develop their cognitive flexibility.

Role play improves a child’s language, speech and communication skills

Don’t you just love observing children acting out various make-believe play situations?  And while we may think it’s all just good fun, it’s actually serious business.  Getting into character, experimenting with different roles and scenarios, acting out fantasy and real-life situations all present opportunities for young children to express themselves freely, communicate with others and practise their verbal language, vocabulary and listening skills.

They get to see how words and actions affect others and they start to learn the power of effective communication.  This type of play also provides opportunities for learning about teamwork and problem-solving as they explore new concepts, ideas and scenarios.

Role play supports a child’s social and emotional development

Young children use role play to better understand the world around them. 

They experiment with different characters and through their interactions with other children, they expand their life experiences, practise social skills such as teamwork, sharing and taking turns and they expand their way of thinking. 

Role play also offers young children with an emotional outlet and early school is a safe and supportive space where they’re comfortable expressing and addressing how they feel.  This can help them start to learn the importance of emotional regulation and that their behaviour has an impact on others. 

Also, when creative role play is led by the child (in other words, the children take charge of organising different roles, discussing ideas, deciding on the direction of the play, working things out with other children etc), they feel seen and heard.  When children have the freedom to express and act out their own ideas, it can strengthen their confidence and build self-awareness.  Don’t miss this article on how to help your child build self-confidence before starting early school.

Child-led play-based exploration and discovery

Our Evoke Early Learning centres are inspired by the progressive Reggio Emilia approach which centres on the implicit belief that each and every child is born curious, creative and capable and which has child-directed learning at its core.

Imaginative play is integral to our daily curriculum at our two Evoke Early Learning childcare centres in Clayton and Albert Park as we know from experience (and from the science) just how crucial this type of play is to a child’s healthy development. 

Our spaces and the resources at our centres are all carefully designed to stimulate our children’s imaginations and encourage freedom of expression.  Our skilled educators are also there to support and nurture the little ones as they discover the world and develop cognitive, personal and physical skills. If you’re interested in finding out more about our play-based child care centres, we warmly invite you to book a tour, contact us or have a browse through our informative news section on our website.  We look forward to seeing you!

Summer is here, but while some people welcome the long-awaited arrival of warmer weather, longer days and the outdoor life, the season can be a bit of a challenge for parents with young children.  How do you keep your little ones occupied?  What activities can you do that won’t cost a fortune?  How do you combine fun with opportunities for learning?

The team at Evoke Early Learning has compiled a list of some fun and educational activities which will keep your kids entertained, occupied and stimulated over summer - and the good news is, your wallet will be safe too.  All our suggestions involve ordinary household items or things found in nature and the kids will be developing important skills while they’re out there having fun.  And if you’re keen to find out more about the best way for kids to learn, have a read of this short piece on how play-based learning benefits children.

Go on a scavenger hunt

Choose an age-appropriate area to have your scavenger hunt (around the home, around the neighbourhood or in the park) and then compile a list of things that the kids have to find.  You can print off a list using pictures, sort items by number (for example one orange flower, two pebbles) or by shape (a round object, a square object etc), by letter (eg items starting with ‘B’ etc).

Learning opportunities include counting, sorting, problem-solving, communication

Build a fort or castle

Set up a space in the yard where children can build their fort, palace, castle - whatever they choose!  Provide them with a ‘starter pack’ of construction materials such as large cardboard boxes, bits of fabric and foam offcuts and watch their creative juices start flowing!

Learning opportunities include problem-solving, critical thinking, teamwork, resilience

Paper plate faces

Set up a creative space in your yard (for example an old bed sheet in a shady spot) You’ll need some paper plates, a paper punch and some arts and crafts supplies like wool, cotton wool, crayons, scissors and a glue stick plus a couple of old magazines.  Each child can then create a face on their paper plate (think wool, dry spaghetti or cotton wool for hair) and cut out eyes, mouths and other facial features from the magazine. 

Learning opportunities include fine motor skills (cutting, sticking, threading) as well as cognitive and verbal skills

Paper planes

Paper planes may be as old as time, but the joy kids that get from them will never go out of fashion!  All you need is some paper, some crayons (for decorating their plane) and some open space in your garden or in the park for the airborne activation!  It’s a great way for young children to practise their construction skills and expend some energy chasing after their winged wonders!  (Note to adults: it’s a good idea to try out some designs ahead of time to ascertain which ones work best).  You can also change up this activity and get the kids to design boats using paper or card - and then try them out in the pool, pond or tub of water.

Learning opportunities include fine and gross motor skills, maths skills like measurement and symmetry, problem solving

Obstacle course

Set up an obstacle course in your backyard or in the park.  You can use ordinary items like a box (for climbing over), a piece of wood (for balancing on), a piece of fabric connected to the ground using tent poles (for crawling under), balls and a tub for a throwing activity … the choices are endless. 

Learning opportunities include physical development, problem solving and taking turns

Chalk hopscotch

Mark out a hopscotch grid on your driveway and get the kids hopping and jumping for joy.

Learning opportunities include gross motor skills, counting, co-ordination, taking turns

Outdoor ‘ten pin bowling’

All you need for this are some empty aluminium cans or plastic containers (empty 2 litre cold drink bottles are ideal) with a little sand in the bottom to stabilise them if need be.  Kids can then take turns throwing or rolling a ball at the cans or bottles, trying to knock them over.

Learning opportunities include maths skills (counting the number of fallen tins etc), physical skills, dexterity, sharing and teamwork.

Frozen Lego

Put bits of Lego into a couple of ice trays, fill them with water and freeze.  Once frozen, put them all into a tub on the lawn and get the kids to take turns fishing out an ice cube (either using a net or a pair of tongs).  Once they’ve each had turns to accumulate a number of cubes, they can wait until the ice melts and then make something fun with the bits they’ve collected before describing their construction to the other children.

Learning opportunities include fine motor, language and communication, science (why ice turns to water etc).

Create an outdoor kitchen

Find a space where kids are free to get wet and play with mud where you can set up an outdoor ‘kitchen’.  Find a couple of plastic containers, wooden spoons, whisks, pots, a sieve, a box for an oven etc and then get them to bake something or make their favourite dish.  They can use water to mix sand into a paste, mould mud pies, make a soup with bits collected from the garden etc and once they’ve ‘cooked’ their dish, they can have a ‘pretend’ meal together.

Learning opportunities include dramatic play, language and communication, collaboration, science (what happens when water is added to sand etc).

A last word on summer fun with young kids

Play-based learning is the very best way for children to discover the world, identify their areas of interest and develop their skills.  And when summer’s here, there’s no better place than the great outdoors to get their creative juices flowing and you can learn why in this article entitled why outdoor education matters in early childhood.

We know that children are naturally inquisitive and capable of constructing their own learning (these are among the guiding philosophies of our Reggio Emilia-inspired childcare centres in Clayton and Albert Park) and they’re masters of ingenuity when it comes to playing games.  However, as collaborators in their learning journey, our role as adults is to support and encourage (and of course, participate when appropriate!) 

By introducing some of the above activities during the summer season and joining in the fun, you can be sure your young children will be having heaps of fun whilst learning and developing valuable skills along the way.

If you’d like more ideas or want to chat about our Evoke Early Learning centres in Clayton and Albert Park, you are most welcome to get in touch or book a tour.  We’d love to meet you and your little one.

Resilience.  We know the value of being able to bounce back from difficult challenges and adapt to life’s ups and downs, but are some people naturally more bulletproof than others or can resilience be taught?

The good news is that everyone can learn resilience skills - regardless of their age.

That said, the earlier that parents, educators and caregivers start helping young children start building resilience skills, the better.  Life’s not always a bed of roses and the sooner a child learns to respond and adapt to challenges with positivity and hopefulness, the more likely they’ll be able to persevere through tough times as they go through life.

What you can do to help your child build resilience

Adversity for a young child can be many different things - moving home, starting school, friendship issues, bullying, a breakdown in family relationships, not being chosen for a team activity, difficulty mastering a new skill, overhearing a conversation about a traumatic event - and it can leave them feeling sad, anxious, uncertain, helpless, fearful, lonely and defeated. 

There are many things that parents and caregivers can do to help a child acknowledge their emotions, learn to stand up for themselves, cope with whatever difficulties they face and bounce back after challenging times.

Top tips for building resilience in young children

Setting a strong foundation early on with respect to positive and healthy habits, attitudes and skills in the face of adversity will help children handle tough situations and prevail.

Focus on building strong and positive relationships

Children need nurturing.  They thrive on a network of caring connections which make them feel safe, secure and strong - and these relationships could be with parents, family members, friends, teachers, healthcare professionals etc.  When a child has the security of trusted, loving adults who provide them with gentle reassurance and non-judgmental encouragement, they’re more likely to respond strongly to difficult times.

Help a child learn that they’re in control of their response

Getting angry or sad at a situation won’t change the situation, but changing the way you respond will change the way you feel about it.  The key here is communication.  Talk to your child, listen to them, acknowledge and validate their feelings and discuss ways they could shift their response.  Discuss ways to mitigate the problem (for example, if a friendship is strained, perhaps suggest a different companion to play with or if they can’t do an activity, suggest a different approach to solve the problem) and help them understand that they are in control.  For very young children, play is the best way to encourage them to express their emotions.

Encourage them to believe in themselves

Talk to your child about the things they’re good at.  Get them to list their strengths for you.  Focus on the positives and remind them often that they are capable.  Self-belief doesn’t only come from within - it is strengthened by what you hear from others, so invest in your child’s self-esteem and independence.

Empower them to take on new challenges

A confident child will be better equipped to manage adversity, so encourage them to take on new challenges or try new activities.  They’ll feel good when they accomplish new things - and even if they don’t (which you should emphasise to them is also OK), they’ll have the security of loving relationships as a safety net and will feel good about themselves for giving things a go.  Giving a child responsibilities is another way of empowering them and making them feel valued.

Maintain routines

Routines are not only important for children, they’re comforting too.  Structure and consistency in a young child’s day gives them something familiar to lean into when they’re facing tough times. 

Teach your child mindfulness

Mindfulness tends to be seen as an ‘adult’ concept, but it can be an extremely valuable life skill for young people too.  Teaching children about mindfulness can lead to many good things including better self-esteem, emotional regulation, greater happiness, more effective responses to stress and uncertainty, successful conflict resolution and of course, greater resilience.  You may find this article on mindfulness in early learning helpful.

Demonstrate resilience yourself

Children are like sponges, constantly absorbing what they see and hear.  When adults around them demonstrate resilience and patience, a child is more likely to mirror that behaviour.  Take the time to explain your responses to your child, be honest about your emotions and use simple terms to help them understand what being resilient means.  Changes and challenges in life are inevitable - it’s how we choose to respond that determines the outcome.

Does an early learning centre have a role to play in teaching resilience?

Absolutely!  Daily life at childcare or an early learning centre can have a profound effect on the way a young child responds to challenges. 

The space should provide a loving, nurturing environment for every child where the educators continually promote the development of key skills like resilience. The team should also be ultra vigilant with every child in their care and should work in partnership with parents as collaborators and advocates to ensure the child’s holistic wellbeing. 

Here at Evoke Early Learning, we pride ourselves in safe and nurturing environments that promote knowledge and inspire a life-long love of learning. Resilience is one of the many benefits of our Reggio Emilia-inspired approach, along with responsibility, self-confidence, teamwork, problem-solving skills as well as creative and scientific thinking.

You’re welcome to book a tour of our childcare centres in Clayton and Albert Park where you can see our quality childcare in action.

Parenting isn’t easy and there are many times when it doesn’t match up to expectations or reflect the perfect picture of family harmony which you see so often in carefully curated social media feeds or glossy magazines.  

Parenting is real.  It’s precious and beautiful and rewarding, but it can also be messy, challenging, unpredictable, frustrating and of course, unbelievably busy.  There will be plenty of situations when your responses are reactive and you look back and wish you’d acted differently.  Emotions can run high in the heat of the moment or when you’re juggling multiple balls and it’s impossible to get things right every time. And that’s OK.  But if you do want to be less impulsive in stressful situations, slow things down and have more control over your responses, there is something you can do.  You can practice mindfulness.

And that’s OK.  But if you do want to be less impulsive in stressful situations, slow things down and have more control over your responses, there is something you can do.  You can practice mindfulness. 

What is mindfulness?

You hear a lot about mindfulness these days, but what is it exactly?

In a nutshell, being mindful is about being fully present and engaged in the moment.  It’s about calmly and gently focusing all of your attention and awareness on your current experience without distraction, judgement or expectation.  It’s about being in the ‘now’.

It’s also a technique that can be learnt. 

It is possible to teach ourselves how to focus completely on the moment, but it’s important to remember that there’s no right or wrong to mindfulness.  It’s simply not possible to be fully immersed in whatever you’re doing all of the time, but mindfulness is a very useful technique for dealing with difficult or volatile situations in a more constructive, positive way.  To put it in a nutshell, mindfulness is a valuable tool to support emotional regulation and holistic wellbeing.

What is mindful parenting?

It does take a bit of practise - perhaps that’s why they call it ‘practicing’ mindfulness - but with effort and commitment to learn how to be mindful and how to apply mindful attention to parenting, the outcomes and benefits are remarkable. 

A good way to describe mindful parenting is being actively attentive to interactions with your child and responding in a way that is uplifting and positive for everyone.  It’s an approach to family life that places parents and children fully in the present moment in a calm, thoughtful and intentional way.

Mindful parenting can be a circuit breaker for negative behaviours from both children as well as from parents because it enables a pause between emotion and response.  Mindfulness is not about denying your feelings in a challenging situation, but is rather a mechanism for noticing your emotional responses and using your mindful skills to take a breather, pause and reset. 

Here’s an example.  Your child is having a tantrum because they don’t want to leave the playground.  It’s getting late, supper needs to be made, the older sibling has homework to do and both you and your child are tired and hungry.  Instead of admonishing your child, getting frustrated and hurrying them up, your (better) mindful response would be to acknowledge the situation, accept the realities of your little one’s age and stage, help them name their emotion and then help them calm down and divert their attention.  How you do that will be different for each child. 

Getting home may take a little longer, but when you are grounded and able to help shift your child’s mood, the positive outcomes will be worth any small delays.

Mindful parenting can help parents understand and accept their own feelings as well as help their child understand their own emotions and feel heard and respected.

Benefits of mindful parenting

The example above illustrates one of the benefits of mindful parenting - helping young children identify and acknowledge their strong emotions and learn to shift their focus to something more positive.

There are numerous other benefits for both parent and child, including:

Healthier family relationships and stronger connections

Another key benefit is that children learn from their parents’ behaviours, and so when adults demonstrate mindfulness and are able to regulate their emotions, the child models that approach.

In conclusion

Mindful parenting helps children feel loved unconditionally.  It fosters a healthier attitude towards mistakes or imperfections (on the part of both parent and child) and it helps everyone develop a stronger sense of self-acceptance and acceptance of others. Here at Evoke Early Learning, we strongly believe in mindfulness as a valuable life skill and you may be interested in reading this article on mindfulness in early education to learn more.  You’re also welcome to visit our early learning centres to witness our safe and nurturing environments which promote knowledge and inspire a lifelong love of learning.  Book a tour or get in touch with our friendly team in either our Albert Park or Clayton early learning centres and we look forward to meeting you!

‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.’  Dr Seuss

Reading to babies and young children and telling stories isn’t just about bonding and enjoying special time together (although those are valuable outcomes too), it’s actually one of the most important things that parents and caregivers can do to give their little ones a healthy start to life - and for life.

A research project by Duke University scientists revealed compelling evidence of the long-term benefits of language input and storytelling for children’s language and literacy development - and the results left little doubt that parents, caregivers and early educators play a huge role in giving children a strong foundation in acquiring these early skills.

What are the benefits of reading and storytelling?

The importance of reading and telling stories to your child cannot be over stated. 

Even the seemingly simple aspects of reading such as your child observing you holding a book the right way up, turning the pages gently, hearing repetitive sounds and rhymes, seeing different images and listening to different vocal tones have valuable long-term benefits in terms of their linguistic development.

The benefits to reading and storytelling include:

How you can use storytelling to develop language skills in young children

Let’s focus on the power of storytelling with regards to a preschooler’s language and early literacy development. 

You don’t need to wait until your little one starts engaging with the world before you introduce books to them.  Even very young babies benefit from storytelling.

Remember, storytelling isn’t only about books and reading.  Singing, saying rhymes and repeating phrases are all really important for helping your little one start to understand the connections between sounds, letters, syllables and words.  In fact, repetition and rhyme are among the most important ways that children learn the fundamentals of language. 

Some key points about books and young children include:

An important thing to remember is that there’s so much more to reading than what’s featured on the pages. 

A book can spark a story of your family’s history and culture (young children love listening to stories which involve them!).  You can embellish a story with movement, actions, funny sounds and facial expressions.  You can tell stories of overcoming challenges, perseverance, resilience and love.  You can make connections between what’s in the book and your child’s own experiences (‘remember when you saw an elephant at the zoo’) and you can encourage your child to talk about the story too.

Anyone can tell a story and it can be anywhere and at any time.  And if you don’t have a book on hand, there are plenty of other opportunities for storytelling such as food packaging, shop windows, letters and pamphlets in the post, newspapers and menus.

By using hand gestures, different vocal intonations and facial expressions for added emphasis, you’ll keep your child focused which is a key skill for learning.  Movement and sound will bring the story to life and keep your child engaged as well as help them understand and contextualise new words and phrases. 

And young children should be encouraged to tell you stories too.  Through storytelling, they’ll get to practise important language skills and will build up confidence in their verbal communication abilities. 

A last word on the importance of storytelling

In the words of one of the research scientists involved in the Duke University study said: ‘Storytelling is a medium in which families with all types of resources and assets can thrive.’

Here at Evoke Early Learning, our intention is to encourage a lifelong love of learning in our children and to equip them with the knowledge, skills, dispositions, attitudes, languages and self-agency for active participation in all areas of life.  Reading and storytelling are vital components of our daily curriculum in pursuit of these intentions and you’ll find that our educators love books just as much as the children do!

If you’re looking at childcare and early education options in Melbourne, we’d love to show you around our centres at Albert Park or Clayton.  You’re welcome to book a tour online or contact our friendly team on 08 1234 5678 or email admin@evokeearlylearning.com.au.

When you watch young children at play, you’ll quickly see that they’re drawn to things that they can manipulate, move around, take apart, combine, manipulate and interpret.  

The concept of ‘loose parts’ was formalised after British architect Simon Nicholson published a paper on the topic in 1971.  He had been researching the impact of various environments on people’s imaginations and creativity, and after observing how they were noticeably more captivated by interactive art installations, he developed a theory that the more variables that an environment had, the more engaging, stimulating and creative it became.

Nicholson’s theory is now widely applied in childcare and early learning environments and the benefits and outcomes of this ‘loose parts play’ are significant.  Let’s take a closer look.

What does ‘loose parts play’ involve?

The key principle of loose parts play is that the elements involved shouldn’t have a pre-determined association.  For example, a train set and miniature house are both great toys, but because their function is already established, the opportunities for creative interpretation are limited.

By contrast, loose parts play involves objects and materials that don’t have a predetermined use. 

It involves random open-ended items such as those found around the house, the garden, the park, the recycling bin.  These can be used, adapted and combined in a myriad of ways when children use their natural curiosity and creativity.  

A cardboard box can be a tank, a castle or a stable.  A wooden spoon can become a wand, a conductor’s baton, a fishing rod or a drumstick.  A piece of fabric can become a cloak, a magic carpet, a paddock.  A wooden block can be a doll’s bed, a car, a cake, a mountain. 

Sticks, pebbles, leaves, sand, water, blocks of old timber, ribbons, sponges, scraps of fabric, foam offcuts, buttons and kitchen utensils are all loose parts with endless possibilities - and the great thing is all these items can be used in different ways by children of varying ages and stages.  What they choose to do with them and how they interpret them is up to their imaginations and their interests.

Loose parts play and Reggio Emilia

The joy of loose parts play is that it feeds children’s imaginations. 

It allows children to do the thinking and creating, it allows them to test theories and to experiment and it allows them to use their imaginations freely - and the more of these variables that children have to play with, the better. 

You’ll find that loose parts are a central feature of Reggio Emilia-inspired early learning environments, because this educational approach embraces child-led open-ended play.  Young children are empowered to explore and discover the world at their own pace, using resources of their own choice.    You can read more about this innovative approach in this article entitled ‘The Reggio Emilia Approach and How it Benefits Your Child’.

Benefits of loose parts play

Loose parts provide children with infinite possibilities for unleashing their creativity.  They allow children to be active thinkers.  Children can move the objects, change them, control them, line them up, construct with them, deconstruct them, mix them up and assign any role they like to them to create their own scenarios and stories.

Here are some of the ways that fun and joyous loose parts play promotes children’s healthy development and learning:

Loose parts play also teaches children about sustainability.  They learn to use items found in nature and they learn to reuse or repurpose items instead of consigning them to landfill - so it promotes a healthier relationship with the environment. Using loose parts for playtime is also inexpensive.

How do parents and educators facilitate loose parts play?

The role of the educator and of the parent or caregiver in the home is to observe, support and encourage the child’s learning through loose parts play - rather than try and direct the process or step in when a problem arises.  Supervising adults should allow children to learn through trial and error, to problem-solve for themselves, to experiment, to make up rules, to interpret materials and to play freely - and just be there for support, encouragement and facilitation.

Parents can have a ‘loose parts’ box in the home which children can explore, add to, change etc. 

Allow children the time to play and experiment with the parts.  Don’t step in when a problem arises or when they make the same mistake over and over.  And even if you don’t agree with their rules of the game - let them work out a way forward and problem-solve on their own.  Of course, you can support and facilitate their play by asking questions like ‘What else could you try?” and “Why do you think that is happening?”

Loose parts play at Evoke Early Learning

Loose parts are a key part of everyday life at Evoke Early Learning and an ever-changing variety of open-ended materials are always available in our classrooms and outdoor environments to inspire our little ones to create, explore, discover and learn.

We welcome you to book a tour of our safe, secure and welcoming Albert Park or Clayton Childcare Centres where our mission is to provide each child with the foundation for the future skills and abilities they need to succeed.  We look forward to meeting you! 

A child’s learning journey starts from the minute they enter the world and we know that the early years are critical for their healthy development.  Their brains grow rapidly during their first few years of life and it’s the time when foundations are laid for the development of vital cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills.

We also know that the quality of inputs and influences in the home and in early education settings can have a significant impact on their development and on their ability to learn.  

In what ways does early education impact a child?

Quality early education has a significant positive influence on a child’s long-term life outcomes and that’s why your choice of childcare and early education centre is so important.  This guide to why quality childcare is essential for a child’s heathy development provides some valuable insights into the topic. 

To an outsider, the sight of children interacting informally in an early education setting may look like they are just playing and not really learning or being ‘taught’ anything.  However, extensive research in Australia and globally shows that play-based learning is a really powerful way to support children’s development. 

The benefits of quality childcare and early education include the development of a child’s:

Let’s take a look at each of these in greater detail.

The development of cognitive skills

When children are playing - either on their own or in a group - they’re learning. 

Children are naturally curious and creative and during play, the neural pathways and synapses in their brains fire up and they start to develop important cognitive skills which help them make sense of their world.

Cognitive skills include numeracy and mathematical thinking, scientific reasoning, critical thinking and problem-solving, memory skills as well as literacy, language and communication skills.  Now this may all sound really advanced in the context of a one-year old in childcare, but the foundation for the development of these key skills really does start very early on.   

Play-based programmes which feed children’s natural curiosity and ignite their imaginations help them achieve positive outcomes in terms of their cognitive development.

The development of physical skills

Experienced and knowledgeable educators know how important it is for young children to have opportunities to practise and develop their fine and gross motor skills.   Quality early learning environments offer young children a myriad opportunities for physical exercise (eg running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching and balancing) as well as activities which require children to make small movements (eg painting, sticking dried leaves to paper and threading wool through dried pasta).

The development of social skills

Socialisation is important for children and that’s why you should choose an early learning setting where development of social skills is a key imperative of the curriculum. 

Exposing young children to a group education setting will help them make social connections.  They’ll start to establish relationships beyond those with family members and start to develop friendships.  In these types of settings, children will learn to follow instructions, take turns, work collaboratively with others, regulate their emotions, learn to manage conflict and share with others. 

A group setting will also help young children learn about empathy and tolerance for others.  They’ll learn to listen, they’ll learn to reflect on their behaviours and they’ll learn to appreciate others’ perspectives and opinions.   

The development of emotional skills

We talk a lot about holistic wellbeing and how important it is in order for adults to function effectively and to be engaged contributors to society, but did you know that the foundations for emotional intelligence are set in the early years?

A quality early learning centre can help a child develop a healthy sense of self and self-belief.  Every child is born capable, but the right environment will nurture that capability and encourage self-expression. 

Strong emotions are hard for a child to understand - let alone regulate - but it is crucial for them to learn that actions have consequences.  A caring and supportive environment staffed by experienced and loving educators where a child feels safe and secure will give them the scaffolding to develop strong emotional skills and become more resilient. 

A last word on how to choose an early learning centre for your child’s healthy development

Early school should be a place where every child is seen, validated and nurtured and where they feel comfortable with their self-expression without judgement or expectation.  It should be a warm and welcoming space where children are supported to learn about making healthy emotional choices which will help them develop a stronger relationship with themselves and with others.  And it should be well-resourced with skilled and caring educators who put the individual children’s interests first and empower them to develop vital skills for lifelong learning and future success.

When you’re looking for an early learning centre for your child, remember that your choice is likely to have a profound effect on them in the long term.

Here at Evoke Early Learning, we understand the value of quality early learning and we are 100% committed to providing every child in our care with experiences that promote their cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.  We invite you to book a tour to experience the Evoke way of life at our Albert Park or Clayton Childcare Centres and to meet our educators and support team whose mission it is to provide the children with the foundation for the future skills and abilities they need to succeed.

Most parents feel a sense of apprehension about their child’s transition to big school.  Is my child ready for the change?  Do they have the foundational skills necessary for the more formal learning environment?  Will they cope?

This article unpacks the concept of ‘school readiness’ and discusses ways to nurture and develop a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills to help them successfully navigate the transition and reach their learning potential.

What is school readiness?

School readiness is a term often used to describe a preschooler’s ‘preparedness’ for big school, but parents should know that there are no definitive criteria or benchmarks that a child has to achieve in order to transition successfully. 

Most educators agree that early education settings should not mirror those of formal school environments and that the learning and development intentions at these centres should be much more holistic than simply the accumulation of academic skills.  Play-based learning is best.

Children are born with an innate sense of curiosity and wonder about the world and they develop at their own pace.  It’s far more effective over the long-term for early educators to provide the space, resources, encouragement and freedom for children to forge their own paths of discovery.

A quality early learning environment and a supportive connection between their school and home lives will give a child the best chance of developing vital cognitive skills as well as language, communication, social, emotional and physical skills - and will give them the best opportunity for a seamless transition to formal school.

Ways to tell if your child is ready for formal school

A child will usually transition well if they:

A high-quality early learning environment staffed by skilled and experienced educators can be the best way to prepare little ones for the move into more formal schooling.  Here at Evoke Early Learning, we champion the progressive Reggio Emilia approach to childhood education which has proven its credentials in enabling young children to develop the vital foundation skills that set them up for future success at formal school.

Learn more about why high quality childcare matters for a child’s development here.

Ways to encourage and support a child’s lifelong love of learning

As mentioned earlier, play-based learning is the best way for young children to activate their natural curiosity, explore their world and develop a wide range of skills.  

They will learn vital skills by having fun, exploring, experimenting, making mistakes, collecting pebbles, picking flowers, playing with water and sand, singing, dancing, role playing, balancing, painting, threading, cutting, jumping, listening to a story, turning pages of a book - even simply observing others - because their innate wonder and awe about the world around them will lead them to discovery and development.

Here’s a closer look at how to support a child’s skills development and help prepare them for school.

Cognitive skills development

Even something as simple as playing with water and sand or baking cookies can introduce a child to a variety of maths and science concepts like counting, measuring, sorting, weight and dimension. 

Loose parts play, having fun with manipulative materials, dramatic play and outdoor activities are also some excellent ways to stimulate a child’s awareness of maths concepts. Memory games and activities that require children to problem-solve (puzzles, arranging items in a pattern) are also excellent for building vital cognitive skills.

Language and communication skills

Strong language and literacy skills are related to school success and will help children with their social, emotional and cognitive development.  Lots of reading together, fun activities like singing and playing with rhymes and having conversations with your child will help with sentence structure, vocabulary and general language and literacy skills.

Emotional and social skills development

Many parents have concerns about whether their child will be able to cope with a new school environment from a social and emotional perspective.  Will they make friends?  How will they handle conflict?  Will they manage in group situations?  Are they sufficiently independent to cope?

Parents, other family members and educators in early learning environments can play a huge part in helping children build social and emotional skills and become more resilient.  Aim to provide your child with constant positive reinforcement of concepts like kindness, empathy, sharing, taking turns and teamwork and encourage independence by allowing them to do things themselves from an early age.  Even enabling your young child to take ‘safe’ risks in a controlled environment is an important step to help them become more adaptable and resilient.

Self-help during mealtimes, washing hands, bathing and getting ready in the mornings can be time-consuming and a bit frustrating at times, but your investment will pay dividends as they’ll develop confidence in their abilities and become more independent.

Development of physical skills

Some children are naturally adventurous and will happily scale the jungle gym or climb a tree, whilst others will need more encouragement to participate in physical activity.  Movement of any sort (kicking a ball, throwing, dancing, balancing, swimming) will help them build core strength and develop gross motor abilities which are important for success at school.

Fine motor skills are important for formal school too.  You can foster these through activities like holding a pencil or paintbrush, cutting with scissors, threading and moulding play-dough.  

A last word on school readiness

As the time draws closer for the child to make the transition, parents and caregivers can build excitement about the new environment and also address and allay any concerns that the child may have.  Encourage open and honest discussions, build connection to the new school through physical visits, create socialisation opportunities with another child or children who are going to the same place and focus on building up your child’s self-belief and self-confidence.

Our mission at Evoke Early Learning is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that promotes knowledge and inspires a lifelong love of learning.  We strive for outcomes where children are not only ‘school ready’, but are also equipped with the knowledge, skills, dispositions, attitudes, languages and self agency for active participation in all areas of life, at any age and any stage.  You’re welcome to contact us about any aspect of early education and school readiness or to book a tour of our Melbourne childcare centres in Clayton and Albert Park. We look forward to seeing you!

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