Our Fees

Evoke is approved by the Victorian Department of Education and Training and is also approved for Child Care Subsidy. Families can find further information on how to apply for family assistance with the cost of childcare on the website of the Department of Human Services.

Child Care Subsidy offers assistance to families to help with the cost of child care aged 0-13 years. There are 3 factors that will determine a family’s level of Child Care Subsidy, which include:

Families who wish to receive Child Care Subsidy as reduced fees must apply through the myGov website. This includes completing the Child Care Subsidy activity test.  Child Care Subsidy is paid directly to our Service to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will contribute to their childcare fees and pay the difference between the fee charged by our Service and the subsidy amount received. This is called the ‘gap fee’.

On enrolment we will need the Customer Reference Number (CRN) of the person linked with the child, along with the child’s CRN so we can confirm the attendance and ensure that you are receiving the appropriate subsidy.

What your fees include:

Food and drink for all ages (does not include formula).
Sleeping linen, laundry services and nappies.

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