How to Celebrate Diversity and Inclusion in Early Childhood Education

Creating a diverse environment within an early childhood education facility plays a huge role in how children begin to understand those who are different from them and their families.

A child’s understanding of the world is built upon multiple influences. From life at home to the hours spent in an early learning school, this is the time of life when deep-seated attitudes and beliefs begin to be formed. To fully comprehend how such centres can promote a favourable atmosphere we first need to look at why being exposed to a diverse world during these years is so important.

The What, Why and How of Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity encompasses a huge range of differences. From the most obvious, such as ethnicity, gender and religion, through to an understanding of ecological and technical diversity, the ability to view such differences positively is key to a child discovering and becoming comfortable with their place in the order of the world.

In addition, the more a child explores their natural curiosity and embraces that which is different from their own ‘normal’, the more respectful and inclusive they’ll become – embracing these contrasts rather than seeing them in a negative light.

Every community celebrates a wide range of diversity. From the moment an infant’s brain begins to form neurons and connections, they begin to soak up information like a sponge. As they grow, they naturally begin to develop behaviours that are based on their own norm. The more a child is exposed to the diverse world in combination with – and this is very important – their curiosity being nurtured and nourished – the more they will develop respectful and inclusive social graces and beliefs.

How Early Learning Environments Can Promote Diversity and Inclusion

The first step is to create a wholly inclusive environment. This can be approached in many ways, but typically involves a setting that’s enriched with both the diversity of the natural world and that which is created by humans.

The first step is to create a wholly inclusive environment. This can be approached in many ways, but typically involves a setting that’s enriched with both the diversity of the natural world and that which is created by humans.

Let’s look at some of the benefits of role play in more detail.

  • Providing different resources that showcase the differences in children, families, cultures and religions. Pictures, toys, books and anything that reflects people and practices from a range of backgrounds.
  • Using story time and videos that feature lots of traditions and people of different abilities.
  • Incorporating technology into the learning space. Children should be supported in their journey of using and understanding tech – but not all pupils will have the same at-home opportunities. Providing this in the learning space helps children understand what’s available and have the chance to become proficient in using them, as well as appreciating the wide range of technical diversity that’s utilised in everyday life.
  • Centre some learning time around the natural world. Talking about ecological diversity, including the countryside, urban areas, the ocean and more can promote positive engagement in the world around them.

The Importance of Active Learning

Children learn best by piquing their interest and encouragement to participate. Use props to let children explore in whatever direction they find interesting. For example, let them handle and play different musical instruments. This could lead on to discussions about where these originated from, which in turn could incorporate the use of maps or globes to discover more about different countries and regions.

A wildlife hunt in a safe outside area might move into the importance of caring for animals. This could include why it’s vital not to drop litter, or perhaps into how and why growing your own food is advantageous.

The reasoning behind diversity and inclusion isn’t solely about accepting and celebrating the difference between us. It’s also about comprehending that every decision and action we take has repercussions – both on other people and the world around us. Early learning centres play an important role in helping nurture tomorrow’s adult population to engage with the world positively and become valuable members of the community.

At Evoke Early Learning, we take this element of early child education very seriously. We’ve developed and constantly review our positive policies and procedures that promote a truly healthy and inclusive environment. All our staff undergo regular diversity training, including how to best support children with additional needs. Our curriculums are tailor-designed to wholly represent the wonderful diverse world we live in today -  from nursery through to toddler and kindergarten.

At Evoke Early Learning, we take this element of early child education very seriously. We’ve developed and constantly review our positive policies and procedures that promote a truly healthy and inclusive environment. All our staff undergo regular diversity training, including how to best support children with additional needs. Our curriculums are tailor-designed to wholly represent the wonderful diverse world we live in today -  from nursery through to toddler and kindergarten.

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